Our Mission


Motivated by kids and adults with big dreams

“So much of what this sport represents is relevant in everyday life. I believe that if you can go through the challenges wrestling throws at you then you can navigate through life pretty well. Wrestling, to me, is a way of life”- Joe Faucher

Having been a wrestler since the 6th grade. I have learned many lessons through the sport of wrestling and now I get to give back to the very sport that taught me so much. Mindset is your belief system.  This is formed from all different areas of your life.  Your past, your family, your friends all play a role.  At the end of the day it’s your responsibility to feed your mind with healthy helpful information.  I see a lot of people go off track in this department.  A healthy MINDSET takes as much as work as a healthy body.

With the goal of helping people of all ages reach their true potential on and off the mats. I believe I can take traditional training and add a little spice to it. I know it will be a success when you put your best foot forward, throw your heart and soul into everything you do and be the best you.

As time goes on I am more and more interested in the tools that we have to succeed internally. I believe a strong mindset and belief system is the small percent that separates the few from the many. With 42 years of life experience, a decade of coaching my oldest of two sons, the wisdom of being married to a queen and the patience from parenting for over two decades, I’m excited and equipped to help you with this transformation.

I’ll see you on the mats!


“you can live in the memories of the past OR the visions of the future…”

— Unknown